Meaningful Use Guidelines: Clearing Up the Confusion

Meaningful Use Guidelines were first introduced a few years ago as a way to help medical practices, like yours, make the best use of time and have the best possible outcome. The meaningful Use Guidelines allow users to track the progress they are making at becoming an outstanding medical provider for their patients. Once Meaningful Use Guidelines have been implemented, there are great incentives that can be sought just by using the program.

What Exactly are Meaningful Use Guidelines

Meaningful Use Guidelines can be defined by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 by breaking it into three basic parts. These three basic parts are: the use of a certified EHR program such as e-prescribing, the use of certified EHR programs for the electronic exchange of information to improve on the quality of healthcare, and the use of certified EHR technology that will aid in showing the quality of health care that your practice provides. In simpler terms EHR technology must be used to improve on the quality of your care in great quantity.

Some Benefits of Meaningful Use Guidelines

As a medical provider you can reap many more benefits when using Meaningful Use Guidelines other than just the financial benefits. Some of these incentives include the reduction in errors, having information readily available such as records or data, the ability to receive alerts or reminders through the system, e-prescribing with refill automation and the support of the decision making for your medial practice. All of these are added bonuses that you will receive once you have implemented Meaningful Use Guidelines into your medical practice.

How to Implement Meaningful Use Guidelines

There are three basic steps to implementing Meaningful Use Guidelines that can be spread out over five years. The first step will set the basis for your electronic data and your ability to share information. This will be done in years one and two. The second step which will be implemented in year three and the third step to be implemented in year four, will both expand on what step one started. The continual development of the Meaningful Use Guidelines will help to implement future rules and regulations that will need to be in place.

What are the Requirements for Meaningful Use Guidelines

There are certain requirements that must be met through the Meaningful Use Guidelines in order to qualify for any type of inventive payments. Medicare EHR Incentive Program members are designed for eligible doctors and hospitals that show meaningful use of their EHR technology each and every year that they are in the program. Medicaid EHR Incentive Program members are also for eligible doctors and hospitals who qualify when they are able to adopt, implement and upgrade their meaningful use program within the first year of their participation.

Meaningful Use Guidelines Broken Down into Key Words

These are all key words to look for when you are checking to see if you have met the requirements for Meaningful Use Guidelines. Adopted Meaningful Use Guidelines simply means that your system has been installed and the certified EHR technology is in place. A system is considered to be implemented if it is being used by your staff for data entry or patient information. An upgraded Meaningful Use Guidelines program is one that has been expanded on since you first started using it.

Meaningful Use Guidelines are a Bonus for Your Medical Practice

Meaningful Use Guidelines are put in place to benefit your office in many ways. The financial gains that you receive from the incentives that are offered are always a given when looking into new technology but having the ability to reduce your errors make the system seem that much more valuable.