Practice Fusion

Practice Fusion is the fastest growing EHR community in the United States, with over 50,000 medical providers utilizing their EHR and EMR solutions. Practice Fusion is a completely free EHR solution that requires no installation, no contracts, and no subscription. The system is an ad-supported solution to keep the software 100% free and easy-to-use. The advertisements are not intrusive to the user and there is only one ad on the screen at a time. A user also has the option of an ad-free version of the solution for $100 per month.

Practice Fusion’s complete EHR solution is designed with the goal of improving the quality of patient care. The solution is flexible to growth and change, and Practice Fusion automatically updates and enhances the program with no work for the user. The company prides themselves on their ability to listen to consumers’ suggestions and incorporate them into the solution to create the easiest possible experience for the user.

  • e-Prescribing
  • Medical Charting
  • Easy appointment scheduling
  • Referral Letters
  • Lab Integration
  • Patient Management
  • Secure Messaging
  • Medical Documents
  • Reporting
  • Medical Billing
  • Patient Health Record
  • EMR Integration & API
  • Mobile EMR
  • Unlimited Free Customer Support
  • Free patient access (PHR)
  • Specialty Options
  • Free patient demographics import

With Practice Fusions’ “Live in Five” promise, a practice can be running and utilizing the system in just five minutes. They provide free customer support to train and help a practice set up. The easy-to-use system can be successful in large group practices as well as private practices. The solution is ideal for non-profit groups and free clinics that have access to limited funds.

Academic Program

Practice Fusion is very interested in the complete integration of technology into the medical field, so they help facilitate this integration by allowing the use of their EHR solution to any university, college, instructor, or med student that asks for access. The company’s willingness to share access with students reflects their understanding that EHR and EMR systems are becoming more and more common in the healthcare field.


Practice Fusions’ EHR solution is HIPAA compliant.

Bottom Line

Practice Fusion prides itself on its outstanding customer service and the ability to provide free and simple EHR solutions to medical practices of all size. Among other top honors, the company was awarded #1 for Support and Customer Care, #1 in Reliability and #1 for Vendor Overall Preferences/Vertical Industry Recommendations by Brown-Wilson’s Black Book Rankings. Their unique EHR solution offers organization and integration of a medical practice without the costly price tag of many other systems on the market.